Local Happenings

Searching for activities in or near Dickson? Whether you're a longtime resident, new to the area, or simply passing through, we've assembled a wealth of fantastic tips and local events just for you. Discover experiences based on location, popularity, our specially-curated top picks, or even free activities. Dickson has something for everyone, and we're here to guide you to the best of it. Ready to explore? Check out our calendar linked to all the local happenings!

Living Local

Why Giving Back to Your Local Community Matters: A Guide to Making a Positive Impact

In a world where individual pursuits often take precedence, the significance of giving back to our local communities cannot be overstated. Whether through volunteering, donating, or simply lending a h… Read More

Labor Day: More Than Just a Long Weekend

I bet you're pretty stoked about the upcoming Labor Day weekend, am I right? BBQs, end-of-summer parties, and an extra day off work—who wouldn't be excited? But hang on a sec, do you actually know w… Read More

Experience the Charm: Top Reasons to Move to Dickson, TN

As a real estate agent who has spent considerable time exploring the diverse landscapes of Tennessee, I can assure you that there are myriad compelling reasons to consider setting up your home in Dick… Read More