Dickson County Real Estate Market Update: August 2023

Wondering how Dickson County’s real estate market fared in August? You’re in the right place. We’ve got the latest scoop, from how many homes sold to what you can expect if you’re planning to jump into this market soon. So grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s dive in.

How Many Homes Found New Owners?

In August, Dickson County saw 69 homes change hands. Yep, 69 families packed their bags and turned keys in new locks. This tells us that despite the world’s ups and downs, people are still eager to make this charming county their home. It’s not too surprising, though, considering the friendly communities and quality schools around here, right?

What’s Up With New Listings?

Now, what about new opportunities? If you’re in the market for a new place to call home, you’ll be excited to hear that there were 125 new listings in August. That means plenty of options for buyers—whether you’re looking for a cozy two-bedroom or a spacious family home. Sellers, this tells you something important, too: competition is heating up, so it’s crucial to make your property stand out. Maybe now’s the time to finally tackle that kitchen remodel you’ve been pondering?

Average Sale Price & Time on Market: What You Need to Know

The average sale price of these 69 homes was around $390,000. It’s a decent chunk of change, but let’s be real, Dickson County offers a lifestyle that’s worth the price tag. Plus, with the amenities and community vibe, you’re not just buying a house; you’re investing in your life.

And how long did these homes sit on the market? On average, it took just 22 days to go from “For Sale” to “Sold.” For sellers, this suggests that if you price your home competitively and stage it well, you could be handing over the keys in less than a month. Buyers, this means you might need to act fast. Have your financial ducks in a row and be ready to make an offer when you find a place that feels like home.


So there you have it, folks—the lowdown on Dickson County’s real estate market for August. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just daydreaming, we hope this update offers some valuable insights. If you have more questions or want to dive deeper, don’t hesitate to reach out. Knowledge is power, especially when you’re making life-changing decisions like buying or selling a home.


Q: How many active listings were there on average in August? A: There were about 180 active listings on average. Plenty to choose from, right?

Q: Is the average sale price of $390,000 higher or lower than previous months? A: We’d need to look at data from previous months for a comprehensive answer, but the $390,000 price tag is pretty consistent with the lifestyle and amenities that Dickson County offers.

Q: Is 22 days on the market fast? A: It’s relatively quick! Having your finances and paperwork ready to go can make all the difference in snagging your dream home.

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